Monday 2 April 2012

Part-11 A price for you alone

Tony sat in the chair of his office and slowly looked round, well this looked like fun. The town was small and scattered around a hundred square miles, most of which was farms, the main street consisted of two rows of shops, a few bars and not much else. His office was a decent size except everything was crammed into it, desk filing cabinet and cells all squeezed into a thirty by thirty room and at the far end was a door that led to his quarters.

Closing his eyes he let out a deep breath, the incident hadn't got him fired or even busted down but they thought a break, somewhere new would help him, let him relax.

Bullshit, he was trouble, a liability and they wanted him out the way. Oh he would have been out on the street if it wasn’t for his unique ability; Cops that Vampires couldn't read were few and far between. He was a good Cop but hot headed and that had landed him in trouble several times, his chief always looked the other way till now.

Damn he was tired or maybe just getting old. Maybe the transfer was making him melancholy. Fuck maybe he was just pissed at the whole damn world.

Outside he headed for the squad car, again basic and there’d be no denying who he was. Feeling eyes on him he turned to find a young girl watching him “Alright kid?” she nodded “You live there?” he pointed to the cabin and again she nodded. “What’s ya name?” she took a step forward “Madison but everyone calls me Maddy” Turning he made his way back to the house, the girl followed as he entered the house then stopped. “Well come in then, don’t just stand there letting the clean air in” Closing the door he turned to look at her in the light, his throat tightened “You’re a Vampire”

Something resembling pain passed her eyes and she seemed to wince at the name, poor kid she couldn’t be any older than sixteen “Well Maddy my names Tony Biagio, I’m the new law in town, for now” Maddy looked round then back at him “You came from New York” Tony nodded then turned to switch on the computer. “You shot two people” He whirled round “How do you know that” turning she walked to the cells and studied them “You were right, it was the only way” Tony stared at the kid; she was reading his mind, fuck? “You don’t like us, I mean Vampires” Tony laughed dryly “I don’t like most people” Maddy turned and smiled. Hearing a knock at the door he answered it, a big Vampire with cold eyes and blonde hair stood looking into the room.

“I take it your looking for her” he opened the door wide. Seeing Maddy Vlad nodded “It’s time to go” Without a word Maddy went to the large man’s side. “You shouldn't go wondering off without telling us” Tony noticed the affection in the Vampires voice, his hand holding hers tight, Jesus he was a bit old but then what did he care, they were Vamps maybe she was older than him after all once turned you were frozen in that state, not that it was any of his business. He watched as the two headed up the small hill to the cabin.

Just how had she read his mind?

Relief showing on her face Ania fused over Maddy “You gave us quite a scare” Vlad knelt in front of her “What were you doing there?” Maddy shrugged “Talking” Vlad turned to Brogan “What do you know of him” Lighting a cigarette he had to admit not much “New sheriff of the town, was or shall I say is a member of V.A..M.P.S. but sent here” Vlad sat, he had tried to read the Cops mind but found it impossible, he had heard of some humans with that ability …… “He got into trouble and was sent here” Brogan turned to Maddy “Is that what he told you?” Maddy shook her head “I read it”

The place sucked, the job sucked in fact everything fucking sucked. Tony had spent the last three days sorting bar brawls, traffic violations and the odd stray cow. Now at his desk he sipped his coffee and lit a smoke, he was just going to love it here….not. His mind wandered to the kid, he hadn’t seen her since his first night and maybe it was just as well, he wasn’t particularly fond of them and preferred to keep her kind at a distance. He wouldn’t mind knowing how she read his mind though. Stubbing the cigarette in the ashtray he locked up and hit the sack.

Brogan spent the day making calls and on the computer, finally he got a break. The Cops Police record popped onto the screen. Tony Biagio, thirty six, Italian descent, Parents own a restaurant; he had joined the force straight out of collage and worked his way up. Never one to work within the law he had run into trouble on several occasions but due to his ‘ability’ it had always been swept under the carpet till now. Shooting a Vampire and human he had killed both and was now reassigned till things cooled down. Brogan printed it off then went to the kitchen to make lunch.

Maddy slept but her mind raced, her parents the killer that took her life and the one who turned her swam in and out of view, their faces distorted, blurred. Over and over they taunted her, called her freak, a monster that should have died. The last of the sun’s rays had just disappeared over the mountains when Maddy emerged. Seeing the light on in the station she headed down the path.

On the porch Vlad watched as Maddy made her way down to the police station. He hated her being there, hated the amount of time she spent with that cop. If Biagio ever hurt her then he’d find himself in his worst nightmare.

Opening the door she found Tony typing out reports, he looked up “Hey kid” surprised to see her and so early. Maddy smiled and finding a chair sat. “It’ll kill you” Lifting his head from the computer he asked “What will?” She pointed to the cigarette burning in the ashtray and made a face. Tony laughed “Hell, I smoke too much, drink too much and eat all the wrong foods, Christ only knows which will kill me first” Turning she looked at the posters on the wall. “You’re not your normal Vampire?” he commented, Maddy flushed red but said nothing.

Part 11                                            Part 13....Soon

Sunday 15 January 2012

11 - Much has changed

Making a right turn Vlad drove up a narrow winding dirt road; tall pine trees flanked each side preventing Maddy from seeing anything. Taking a small bend the trees fell away to reveal a good sized driveway. Stopping he turned off the engine “Here we are” he announced a little too cheerfully. Maddy climbed out and looked round. Although dark she could see the worn peeling paint, the large windows placed in such a way as if an afterthought. Popping the trunk Vlad pulled out their cases. Hearing the door open Maddy turned “Welcome, welcome, you must be Maddy I’m Ania” Maddy smiled weakly. “YA dolzhen byl znat’, ya by vrezat’sya v vas snova v odin prekrasnyĭ den’” Hearing the insult Ania whirled round, she knew that voice “Vlad” she squealed as she threw her arms round him a torrent of Russian falling from her lips.

Vlad laughed and hugged her tight “How long, twenty, thirty years?” Ania gave him a playful thump “More like fifty” He whistled “Not long enough” he winked at Maddy. Ania turned to her “Pay no attention to him, he’s a dork” Vlad looked shocked “Dork, bozhe moĭ you’ve spent too long in this country, you’ll be chewing gum next” Ania gave a chuckle “Only if it’s O negative” 

Once inside Maddy sat quietly next to Vlad and sipped her drink while the two friends caught up. She looked round the room, it was nicely decorated if a bit tired but it gave the feeling of comfy relaxation.

Ania turned her attention to Maddy and switching to Russian asked Vlad about her. Listening she couldn’t help give a small smile, no matter how hard he was trying she knew he felt something towards her, noticing that Maddy had leant against him and was now sound asleep “Does she do that a lot?” Vlad looked down at Maddy and nodded “Da, she’s not that strong” Ania was suspicious “Even so she’s Vampire, to sleep in the day yes but at night?” Creeping towards her Ania leant down next to her “Listen” indicating Vlad to join her. Kneeling on the floor he listened looking at Ania in shock, why hadn’t he noticed before?

The two stared at each other as they listened to the unmistakable sound, the sound of beating. It was faint and slow but Maddy’s heart was beating. Vlad took his seat and stared at Ania “What the fuck?” This wasn’t possible, she was Vampire and Vampires hearts did not beat. Whatever this girl is or was before her turning, instead of becoming complete the two have merged. “Impossible” he couldn’t believe that a turning was anything but complete. “Are you sure……?” Vlad nodded, she was Vampire he had witnessed her fangs, the Rage. Ania looked at Maddy, poor kid whatever happened she was anything but normal, human or Vampire.

With the sleeping child in his arms he let Ania show him their room. There he put Maddy into a casket and closed the lid, his hand slide down the worn wood, no wonders she was so messed up. Ania stood and watched, yep, there was something more than mere family concern. “Come let’s have a drink before we retire” Vlad took one more look and followed Ania into the kitchen. Over warm blood they discussed Maddy, her fangs and “Her eyes aren’t like ours” Ania took a sip from her glass “What do you mean” Vlad knocked back the last of his drink, Jesus had he really seen it “They were but the last time, the rage…..they were almost animal”

The following night Maddy rose and opening the lid peered outside. The room was large and dim, the rich colored walls and floor a stark contrast to the other room she had seen. Climbing out she looked at the other two coffins, empty Vlad and Ania must be up or out. Panic gripped her as she thought of being here alone; taking the stairs two at a time she practically threw herself into the living room. “Well hello there, you must be Maddy?” The man that sat by the fire stood and walked towards her, her eyes darkened and her fangs flashed, the man stood and stared in shock. “Madison it’s ok, he’s a friend” the familiar voice spoke from behind, she ran to him with the speed that only Vampires had and threw herself at him, her arms wrapping round his waist in an almost death grip.

Without thought Vlad held her tight, the look on her face telling him she thought he had left her “This is Brogan, he’s a friend and this is his and Ania’s place” Brogan smiled apologetically “Sorry kid if I frightened you”  Taking her into the kitchen Vlad handed her a glass “Drink” he ordered softly. In the living room Brogan stood beside Ania “I know you said she was confused but Jesus, she a major fuck up” Ania nodded but said nothing, going to the kitchen she watched the pair, Maddy was a fuck up but also special, she looked at Vlad.

Vlad sipped his drink as he watched Maddy, she was Vampire? The fangs, the danger of sunlight, the need for blood all added up to Vampire but she couldn’t sense them felt no pain and her eyes his kind always turned to black molten orbs but hers were like an animal, deep down in his gut he knew there was something more. “Drink” her coaxed her gently touching her arm. Her deep golden eyes stared at him from under jet black hair as she gave a weak smile, a throbbing heated ache started low in his groin.

New York…..
The smell of rubbish and piss hit his nostrils like a rotten egg cooking in the night heat; he should be at home watching the football. Putting his hand on the bonnet he guessed the car had been sitting ten maybe fifteen minutes. Feet up whisky and ice and the game that’s what he should be doing right now not hanging around shit holes like this. Stupid fucker, if the car owner wants to go sightseeing at this time of night in this area then so be it, let him get what’s coming.

Why didn’t he join his father in the restaurant, spend his evenings handing out expensive slop to the wealthy....because he wanted adventure, well you didn’t exactly get it did you Tone he grimaced. At the other end of the ally he checked out behind the burnt out car and empty warehouses, nothing. Well Mr fuck my night off if you were looking for a blow job you picked the wrong place. He remembered his mother’s cries when he told them he’d join the police, the arguments and pleading. Pa had just smiled and mumbled if it makes you happy. That was ten years ago, he’d worked his way up from traffic to Detective.....then the shit hit the fan.

They were discovered. The country went into melt down, panic, protests and rioting hit the planet. The government stepped in, promised the public they were safe, that treaties were being signed and pacts made. Yeah right. If the county smelt of roses why the hell was he here, why was he a member of V.A.M.P.S. Ever since the bloodsuckers had come out of the wood work he had been cleaning up shit nearly every night. Tony Biagio, first class Cop and bastard, never taking shit but always ready to dish it out. He loved his job, the city but he was being reposted, some shit hole in the middle of nowhere, fucking bureaucrats.

 Part 10                                                                Part 12.....Soon
