Monday 7 March 2011

3. I feel I'm walking a fine line

Marcus read the headline aloud “Local girl slain, Vampire thought to be killer” Greta’s face turned whiter “Oh my god, what, it can’t be no Vampire is allowed to kill a human” Maddy quietly entered the room and sat at the table. Greta turned to Vlad “It can’t be true…can it” Vlad shrugged “I’ll find out soon enough and if it is then god help the poor bugger” Maddy looked at them confused “Why what will happen?” Marcus looked over from the paper and pretended to slit his throat. “What he’s trying to say is that we have rules, we can feed of a human if they agree but we cannot kill them” Greta explained then patted her hand and told her not to worry. “Well if it is one of us then he or she has signed their death warrant and believe me death by sunlight is not pretty” Vlad added turning to Maddy “Very painful”

Making her excuses Maddy went back upstairs to the bathroom. Sticking her head under the water she cursed herself, stupid, stupid, of course they’d be suspected well she ‘d just have to think of another way, a way that would keep Vampires in the clear. Pulling the towel from the rail she wrapped it round her just as the door burst open.

Vlad stood before her “What…what do you want?” Closing the door behind him he stepped towards her, pinning her to the wall his voice low “Where were you last night?”

“Here, I was here” His hand reached out to her then inches from her face it dropped back to his side. “Liar, I saw you last night I will not ask again where were you?” He saw me, how when…shit “I…I went to see my parents” Vlad stepped back “Your parents?” Yes, her parents, she had to see them just once, she hovered at their bedroom window and watched them sleep. Mum had looked as if she’d been crying. “And that is all; you never went near the park?” No…no of course not “Why is that where….?” Vlad nodded “It's not a good idea to see them, not yet” She knew but she had to, she had to know they were alright, to see their faces once more. Vlad turned, he had the feeling she was not telling all, that she was hiding something “From now on you stay here, got it” Maddy swallowed hard, she got it.

With Vlad gone Maddy quickly dressed. It was close but she thought he bought her story. It was true she had gone home but after, damn being a Vampire sucked. Fight or flight, always the one to take flight she had the urge now but with nowhere to go she was trapped. She opened the window and flew down to the garden.

She was surrounded by silence, complete silence only the call of a coyote broke the stillness of the night but if Maddy opened her mind, truly allowed it freedom her mind would be assaulted by the sounds of voices, of screams and shouting, of thousands of thoughts, from here and the city ten miles away, she kept her mind closed.

With a huge wail she fell to the ground and for not the first time cried. She was a fuck up before but now, now she was a freak able to walk the dark world for eternity, to sleep in a box that she hated as it only confirmed the prison within her.  She was alone, truly alone for the first time in her life and it scared her shitless, oh Marcus and Greta had been good but they wouldn't want her around forever and what then. Why hadn’t the killer just finished her off?

Somebody appeared beside her and sliding down the wall pulled her towards him holding her tight. Maddy yearned for such contact, to be held by her mum her dad, hell anyone, wrapping her arms round the taught waist she clung on for all her might as she cried.

Emotionally exhausted the howls turned into spasmodic sobs. “Do you feel better now?” Maddy nodded. “Do you want to talk about it?” Maddy shook her head, talk, tell him she had killed Judy that here life was a mess, that she was a lousy Vampire “I miss cheeseburgers and a soft bed” A deep voice bellowed with laughter “Ah well cheeseburgers I can’t do but a soft bed, come”  Pulled to her feet Maddy looked up expecting to see Marcus, to her surprise it was Vlad and he was smiling. Leading her up stairs he took her to a room and opened the door, pushing her inside he waited for her to get her bearings “It won’t be possible to lay here in the day but at night you can, just be sure to be in your coffin by sun up”

Maddy looked at the bed with excitement then turned to Vlad her eyes questioning. Ignoring her gaze he pulled the covers back and lifting her up placed her on the bed. Pulling the covers over he tucked them tight “Rest well Moya rozovaya roza” Maddy closed her eyes, physically she was fine but mentally she was shattered.

The next time she opened her eyes she was staring at the wooden lid of her coffin and her body told her the sun was down. Lifting the lid she climbed out and went to the bathroom with no makeup she must look a state. Standing in front of the mirror she realised her problem, how could she do her makeup if she wasn’t there? After several attempts and not once convinced she looked alright she scrubbed her face and left it as it was.

Joining the others in the kitchen she tried to ignore the angry look on Marcus’s face. He wasn’t the one who had put her in her coffin or the one that had comforted her. “Right Maddy I have spoken to Vlad and he agrees to you working at the bar, he will see to getting you ID so from now on your twenty one, I'm glad to see you've removed the makeup” giving a chuckle when Maddy explained she couldn't see in the mirror “It takes practice but I’ll show you anyway the pink hair could be a problem so dying it is the only choice” seeing the look of horror on the girls face she quickly added “Don’t worry it will still be you just err toned down a bit” Maddy nodded if it meant she got out of here she’d gladly shave her hair off.

After rummaging in her bag she found something a bit more low key and threw them on, joining Greta and Marcus at the bar in less than ten minutes. Marcus seemed to have got over his bad mood and happily showed her the ropes “We get all sorts in here Vampires and Mortals so never show your fangs if you have a problem come to me or Vlad” Maddy listened intently and as the doors were unlocked she was ready to start. The bar opened at nine till four giving the Vampires the chance to feed after waking and to head home before sunrise on Sunday the bar remained shut, not for religious reasons but the rest of the town remained closed so did they.  The place was busy which seemed to be the norm and the night passed in a blur, most of the punters didn’t give her a second look and the ones that did just said hello and welcome.

At closing time Maddy offered to clean up alone as it gave her a chance to get to know things. Picking up an empty bottle from the far corner she looked at the music system and instruments, having a quick look round to make sure no one was watching she flicked through the music on the I Pod, Avenged sevenfold’s Buried alive popped onto the screen. Connecting the pod to the amp she switched it on. The intro was soft subtle, a single guitar and some Cellos gently played through the speakers. Then M Shadows voice exploded into the air. “Take the time to listen, when the voices screaming are much too loud” Maddy voice joined Shadows and together they filled the room.

Entering the office Vlad heard the music and quietly opened the door.

Maddy sung her heart out, the words oddly calming, real. As she sang she felt more and more connected to the song as if it was written about her. “I feel I'm walking a fine line, tell me only if it’s real” Oblivious to the man watching Maddy belted out the chorus pretending the bottle was a microphone “Hey I can’t live in here for another day, darkness has kept the light concealed, grim as ever” Vlad listened, she was good but their was something unsettling about her singing.

The tempo changed became faster and heavier Maddy matched it effortlessly “Evil thoughts can hide, I’ll help release your mind, I’ll peel away your skin, release the dark within” The song came to an end with the words “This is now your life, die buried alive” Maddy stopped and stared at the floor, buried alive isn't that what she is? She jumped at the sound of clapping, her face turned scarlet at the sight of Vlad. “I…I thought you were gone, away, I mean out” she stammered in embarrassment. “I didn't know you could sing?”  Maddy shook her head “I don’t” Vlad walked towards her slowly “For someone who doesn't it was good” Maddy was all too aware of the closing gap between them but she was backed into a corner. “Is that how you feel, buried alive” he asked gently.

He was so close she could smell his aftershave, his soap…his body. Maddy’s heart pounded wildly in her chest. “Madison, is that how you feel” looking up her eyes met his, her voice refused to work only allowing a weak “Yes” Vlad’s face lowered to hers “I am sorry” he murmured hoarsely. “It’s not your fault” her voice wavered at the last word. “You look better without that war paint on, you were scary before” Maddy giggled, scary, surly it was the other way round. “That’s better” Maddy looked away her face turning red again.

Marcus watched as Vlad and Maddy chatted closely, too closely. He gave a low hiss but stood where he was, it was not done to fight with the Overseer but at this moment he wanted to tear Vlad’s head off.

2. Trapped in the dark                                  4 - On and on it goes.


  1. Ooooo, wonderful tension throughout, I am really taking to Ivan. And wow, is Marcus interested as well? Could be trouble.
    Gorgeous vamp man-meat iron mum. And I love where you are going with this story.

  2. Hi Drew, there's more characters to come some Vampires, some human, I'll give you the name of one Tony Biagio. Now, I wonder who he is? lol

