Monday 16 May 2011

7 - Now your knockin'

A week had passed since the incident and nobody could get an answer from Maddy as to why she left her coffin so early. Greta watched the girl as she wandered the house jumping at the slightest noise. She was feeding barely enough to keep herself alive and although never talkative she hardly said a word anymore, maybe she would be better dead. Maddy now sat on the sofa with Marcus next to her, the night of her accident had nearly brought the men to blows but Greta had yelled at them, told the two to stop acting like a couple of kids, that it was neither the time or the place. There had been a grudged truce since. “Come on Maddy, were going to have a girlie night” taking the girls hand she pulled her from the sofa.

Marcus stood but Greta pushed him back down “I said a girl’s night” Marcus glowered but didn’t move. Taking a bottle from the fridge and a couple of glasses she led Maddy to the bathroom. “Ok, where to start, hair first I think” Greta washed Maddy’s hair then applied some dye, guessing the kids natural colour from her roots. “Now while that’s getting to work I’ll show you how to put make up on with no mirror” Maddy sat quietly as Greta chatted about her past. From Meissen, Germany she had been married to a lawyer. Collapsing one afternoon it had been discovered her heart was failing that a birth defect had been growing steadily worse; there was nothing anyone could do.

William was distraught; he refused to believe she was going to die. Somehow he knew about Vampires and had convinced one to turn her. “Is that what you wanted?” Maddy whispered. Greta chuckled “Hell no, I wanted children, to grow old, not to watch William age and die” Maddy searched Greta’s mind, she had been furious, screamed and yelled for days then finally gave in, the look on her husband’s face told her all, he loved her too much to lose her. But she had lost him in an accident three years later, by the time she found out it was too late. After his death she had moved from Germany and hearing her mother had gone to the states she had followed in the hopes of reconciliation, here she had met Vladislav. “Ok let’s look at that hair” Greta chirped.

Greta stepped back and looked at her handy work “Looking good pity we can’t do anything about those tattoo’s why on earth did you get them and so many?” Maddy shrugged “I liked one and I’d had a fight with mum and dad…..” Greta laughed “So it was a get back, well that’s one hell of a way to do it. There’s only one thing that will remove those…amputation” Maddy shot round and stared at her “Wot!” Again Greta laughed “Don’t worry, we don’t need to go that far” Blow drying her hair Greta gave it a restyle just to help throw off any recognition, she pulled a face at the length it had got, it was growing? Pouring a glass of blood she handed one to Maddy who sipped it slowly “Maddy, why did you leave your coffin that night?” Maddy stared at the reflection less mirror and slowly told Greta of her dream.

Marcus and Vlad set up the bar, neither of them spoke, both still angry with the other. Bang on nine Marcus unlocked the door and turned the sign over. Within thirty minutes people started to filter in. Vlad served a lady and chatted politely as she flirted with him, she didn’t care if this hunk was a Vampire. Pouring another drink Vlad heard the door open and close, not unusual in this place but it was the thoughts that got his attention. Looking up he watched the stranger with suspicion. “Marcus can you hear this?” Vlad asked silently. Marcus nodded discreetly and together they watched the man take a seat at the far table. The man was maybe a few inches shorter than Vlad and wiry, he looked as if a single blow would have him out cold but looks were deceiving, he was Vampire.

The man sat quietly and looked round, bit rough but he liked it. He never did like those posh new clubs that advertised their catering for his kind. Feeling eyes on him he turned to see a broad dark haired man watching him. Nodding he waited for Marcus to approach then ordered A negative. Marcus brought the bottle over “Not seen you here before, you passing through?” The stranger nodded “Business, will be here for a few days maybe” Marcus grunted “What kind of business do you do, you look more city to me?” The man gave a smile that didn’t meet his eyes “This and that” was all he said but both Marcus and Vlad could hear his thoughts.

Greta who had been chatting none stop suddenly went quiet. Vlad was warning her to keep Maddy in the house, he would explain later. Noticing the sudden silence Maddy asked “What’s wrong?” Greta shook her head “Nothing, Vlad says we can have the night off, it’s quiet down there” Maddy didn’t believe her and reading her mind got the truth “Who is he, what does he want?” Greta groaned “It’s not polite to jump into people’s heads and I don’t know what the man wants but Vlad and Marcus will deal with him, hey what do you say to a movie and popcorn” Maddy nodded “How do we eat that?” Greta grinned like a Cheshire cat “We pretend”

Vlad kept an eye on the new customer, the man’s head was filled with nothing but Maddy and he knew they could read it. Going to the bar the man beckoned Vlad over “Another” he waved his glass.

“You looking for someone?” Vlad asked casually. “Yeah, I was told a young girl worked here, bit of a punk with pink hair, you heard of her?” Vlad nodded “Why’d you want her?” The man smiled “Heard she was knew to the family, wanted to say welcome” Vlad shrugged “She’s not here, it’s her night off maybe I can pass the message on” Then man stood “In that case I’ll come back when she’s on” Vlad didn’t look round as he replied “Suit yourself” Marcus watched the man leave then went to Vlad “You get anything?” Vlad shook his head “No, I don’t think he knows himself but it’s all important he sees her” Marcus stared at the door “You seen his type before?” Vlad nodded slowly “Unfortunately yes” Marcus pushed for more but Vlad refused, if he knew then so would Greta and then Maddy and the girl had enough to deal with.

With the last of the customers gone the two men locked up and headed back to the house, Marcus stopped Vlad as they reached the gate “Look, I know you feel something for Maddy” he stopped Vlad as he tried to protest. “Hell Vlad you kissed her, look you know how I feel towards her but I think for the moment we should call a truce till we know what’s going on”  Vlad agreed, to be sure he wasn’t sure what he felt for Madison but at the moment he felt he would protect her with all he had. The two men looked at each other in silent understanding; they would lay down their life for her. Hearing laughter the two men headed inside.

They found the two girls on the floor glued to a movie with a bowl of…popcorn! Greta looked at Vlad “Everything all right?” Vlad nodded “What have you two been up too” Turning to Maddy he felt the air being knocked out of him, the pink hair was gone, bright honeyed eyes stared at the TV from a veil of dark hair. Looking at Marcus who was glued to the girls face it was obvious he had felt the same. Maddy watched the telly, unable to sense Marcus’s and Vlad’s presence. Greta looked up at the pair and watched them with trepidation but unspoken words from them both put her worries to rest, for now.  The movie finished and Maddy turned, surprise on her face revealed she hadn’t known they were there.

Part 6 - Evil thoughts can hide                                  Part 8


  1. I LOVE Maddy's new look! And so did the boys, apparently! I smell a love triangle here, Jeez I wouldn't know who to choose, both Vlad and Marcus are scrumptious. And the stranger in the bar was fascinating as well! Love where you are going with this Iron Mum, wonderful work!

  2. Hi Drew and thank you for your comment.

    Both men are hot I have to admit I'm not sure who I'd go for either so will play it safe and have both.

    What can I say about the stranger, nothing you'll have to wait and see, there's a lot of twists to this tale.

