Monday 21 March 2011

4 - On and on it goes

Placing his finger under her chin Vlad tilted her face towards his “Why are you afraid of me?” Maddy gasped “I’m not” her eyes met his defiantly. “Liar” he whispered softly. Sensing someone behind him he stiffened and moved away “That will do for tonight go back to the house” Turning he saw Marcus standing in the doorway “Yes Marcus” Marcus stepped forward and tried to keep his emotions in check “I was wondering if there was anything you wanted me to do before I turn in” Maddy headed for the door unaware of the eyes that followed her.

In the safety of her coffin Maddy planned her next move, did she feel guilty, yes but she was Vampire and isn't that what they did?

Rising with the others Maddy went to the kitchen where a warm class of blood awaited her. Still not allowed to leave the grounds she had not yet had the privilege of hunting. Helping to get the bar ready for opening time she found it hard not to look at the clock all the time but eventually the place was ready. Making her excuses she mumbled about having a shower and made a swift exit. In the bathroom she took the knife from behind the laundry basket and opening the window turned into a bat and flew into the night.

Outside Jay’s house she waited for him to arrive home, football practice was over and sure enough the school bus pulled up and let him off. “Jay”

His face had been a picture; at first surprise then shock and horror. She toyed with him made out it was a trick then when he turned, had his back to her she had plunged the knife into him. She felt the sharp steal slice through his flesh, make a charring sound as it hit bone.  Jay didn’t make a sound, his eyes widen in disbelief as he fell to his knees. He opened his mouth to say something but his voice was frozen instead it just opened and closed like a fish out of water. Open, close….open, close it was comical in a sad kinda way. She watched as the blood seeped through his clothes turning his football shirt crimson red.

Something clicked inside her, or rather erupted, her eyes turned black again as she snarled exposing her fangs. Grabbing the injured boy she dug her fangs deep into his neck.  In the back of her mind a voice screamed ‘what are you doing?’ but she ignored it and its pleas to stop. With his last breath Maddy felt his heart stop beating, well that was new. She stood and stared at the corpse, shit what had she done? In panic she flew back to the house.

Turning the tap on the shower she gave it a quick blast then turned it off. ‘Psycho lunatic’ rung round her head like a broken record.

She had fucked up majorly; there was no way it would be blamed on the killer. What she had done tonight was definitely the act of a Vampire. She was in big trouble. But she wouldn’t stop, couldn't stop, they deserved this all of them, all the time she had taken their shit, had wanted to fight back but couldn't, chicken that’s what she was but not now, now she was a lion, a Vampire that had the will and means to destroy those that ridiculed her. But she wasn’t normal, she never had been and this was bringing even her to new levels, a killer she had taken human life and for that she would be eternally damned.

“Maddy” Greta called from the foot of the stairs. “Coming” splashing water on her face she headed downstairs.

Taking a tray of glasses she stacked them on the bar shelf. Vlad watched; she took that long to shower and her hair wasn’t even damp? Sliding round the bar he walked over and grabbed a bottle, inhaling deeply he could smell no evidence of a shower. “I’ll need to get more” Back at the house he went straight to the bathroom, the shower was wet but looked staged, as if someone had turned it on then off, the towels were dry and there was no sign of dampness. His nose picked up the scent of blood; following the smell he found the knife. Running his finger down the blade he tasted the half dried goo, it was human. Shit Madison, what the hell are you doing?

Marcus watched as Vlad came back in and walked over to Maddy, he was trying not to make it look obvious but any idiot could tell he was talking to her. Maddy looked uneasy, time he stepped in. Walking over to the pair he asked Maddy to give him a hand “Everything alright, what was Vlad saying?” he asked once Vlad was out of earshot. “Nothing, he was just asking if things were alright” Marcus didn’t believe her and dragged her to one side “Look if something’s wrong talk to me I can help” Maddy shook her head “I’m fine honestly” Marcus wasn’t going to be fobbed off “Maddy I……” Maddy turned to Marcus her eyes black her fangs bared “Leave me alone” Marcus was shocked and quickly looked round luckily no one had seen except, he groaned as he saw Vlad march towards them “I’ll handle this” he growled as he grabbed Maddy and pushed her roughly  through the door.

Maddy protested as Vlad dragged her up the path and pushed her into the house “What the hell was that about?” Maddy stood and glared at him “What?” She knew she had done wrong but she couldn't help it, it kinda fell out. “You know the rules, the customers know we serve both kinds but the humans don’t want to be reminded, it’s a rule we don’t reveal our other side in public” Maddy could feel it rising, the anger that had bubbled over in the bar was now threatening to burst through again. Vlad moved towards her only to find she backed off “LEAVE ME ALONE” she screamed as she bolted for the stairs.

Vlad was faster and grabbed her arm. Maddy turned on him “Go away” but she wasn’t going to intimidate him. Vlad too showed his real self and glared at her “If you want to go head to head fine but as I'm older than you I am stronger so will win” He watched as her Vampire self vanished and was replaced by puzzlement and fear. “Now perhaps we can talk” Going to the fridge he pulled out a bottle and poured two glasses, handing one to Maddy. Sitting in the living room she swirled the blood in the glass. “I found the knife” Maddy’s head snapped up “What knife?” Vlad chuckled “I know it was you, you killed that Judy, what was her name and somebody else tonight, why” Maddy shook her head “I don’t know what you’re talking about” Vlad swallowed the last of his drink then looked at her with cold pale eyes.

“Have it your way but it stops now, do you hear me, if I find out that anymore have met an untimely death I will come down on you so hard…..” Maddy could only nod. The lyrics of Buried alive rung round her head ‘Evil thoughts can hide…..this is now your life’ Vlad watched her as she tried to deal with her demons, he had known all along from the night she had snuck back into the house. He wasn’t stupid; putting two and two together he had quickly added four. She was becoming dangerous, if word got out she would be destroyed and then they would have his head for letting it go so far, but he also felt sorry for her, it was not easy learning the ways, becoming a Vampire. People thought you were turned and that was it but they were wrong first there was the pain then the hunger, the inability to control one’s temper. “I have to go away on business and I'm certainly not leaving you here like this so you’ll have to come with me”

Part 3                                                                      Part 5


  1. Wow, well done, Maddy is really becoming dangerous is right. Great job of showing her conflict!

    Vlad is amazing. Taking her with him on his trip? Do I smell romance brewing? But he's right, he can't leave her, she needs to learn control!

    Well done Iron mum, loving this~

  2. Thanks Drew,
    Vlad is one hell of a smouldering Vamp and as for Maddy well, things do not go well for her.

    Glad you like it.

