Thursday 24 February 2011

Tell me only if's it real.

The heavy rain that had dampened everyone’s spirits had finally stopped. Still summer the thunder that had clashed above the town had cooled the air and the normally dry sand now squelched under your feet.  Every so often a car passed, its headlights breaking the night like two search lights, it would sweep across the ground then grow smaller and finally disappear.

The park was silent, no laughter or shrieks, too dark now for basket ball or skipping games, the swings and round about stood silent waiting for the warm sun. But the park wasn’t completely empty…….

She had never felt such pain, at times it was a dull ache at others it was excruciating, her breathing laboured and heart raced then seemed to almost stop. She had tried to move but her limbs felt like led in the end she had given up, either she would be found or die, as time passed the latter seemed more and more probable. Grunting at a rat she managed to scare it away before her eyes closed again.

She had a sensation of movement, of being lifted; her eyes fluttered briefly as she murmured incoherently then slept once more.

Marcus stared at the strange girl, the weird clothes and coloured hair, Christ, kids these days. Holding her tight he ran back to the house. Greta was shocked to see his arrival so soon and with company “Where on earth did you find that?” she stared down at the scruffy kid. Marcus explained, if it wasn’t for his keen nose he would never had known she was there she was that well hidden, could that be the reason she is still alive? Greta fussed making preparations for their guest and with Marcus’s help they got her settled. “Will she be alright?” Greta whispered as she closed the door. Marcus shrugged “Don’t see why not”

Maddy opened her eyes, darkness, nothing but darkness. It took a moment for her to realise this was not a normal dark, that she was somewhere else. Reaching out she felt the sides of something wooden, she was surrounded by wood……..”FUCKING HELL” she leapt from her resting place and spun round the room in fear, Holy shit it’s a coffin, the room was full of them. She stared at them in horror, was she dinner? She scanned the room for an escape route, no windows and she bet the only door was locked, fucking great! The sound of a key being turned had her running for cover.

Marcus entered the room and found her cowering in a corner “So you are up and….alive” Maddy screamed and lunged for the door only to be grabbed and thrown onto the floor. “We will not hurt you in fact if it was not for me you would certainly be dead” She  glared him “I want to go home now” The man shook his head “I am sorry but that is not possible” Not possible….my ass “I want to go home..NOW” Marcus stepped forward “Tell me what is the last thing you remember?” The last thing she remembered…..she was to meet Jay, he had asked her out……arriving at the door to the gym……only, it was a trick a joke……..

Tears rolled down her cheek as she relived last night. The kids from school, the ones that made her life a misery pointed and laughed, Candice stepped forward and with the look of satisfaction admitted she was the one who had set the whole thing up that Jay was hers, besides what would anyone see in a freak like her. Marcus watched as her face turned white, his voice softened as he pushed for more “And then what?” Hills and sand, she had run she didn't know where but somewhere far from them and their laughter. She had sat on a rock for a while, cried her eyes out.

Her mum had warned her not to go off alone, mum shit what would she be thinking “I need to get home….my mum!” Marcus shook his head “Think Madison” Her head snapped up “How do you know my name?” With amazing speed he was at her side, taking her hand he squeezed it gently “Think” His eyes locked with hers and held “Think”  She watched as his eyes turned black but didn't register, she was back in the play ground. It was a short cut home, the trees rustled in the wind a swing creaked as it moved back and forth, she was regretting her choice of route, her mums warning echoed round her head, ‘they still haven’t found him’

Cold steal plunged into her back. Maddy screamed and turned towards her attacker, the man pushed her to the ground and started to fumble with her clothes Maddy screamed again and yelled for help as she tried to fight him off. Suddenly the man stopped and ran back into the night. She could feel her life slipping away, her blood pooling around her. Someone else was there, she had bent down and studied Maddy closely then lifting her arm whispered “You’ll be alright” Long sharp teeth broke through the skin of her wrist but strangely she felt no pain.

Sinking onto the floor she tried to come to terms with her memories, if she had been wounded why did she feel fine, why was she not in hospital? Then it hit her “ I'm a Vampire” She looked at the man “Like you!” Marcus nodded and put his hand on her shoulder “I will leave you alone for a while but please do not try to leave the room” Closing the door behind him he turned the key in the lock just make sure. Greta waited for him in the living room “How is she?” Sitting beside her he smiled in reassurance “She’s alright a bit confused and frightened but that’s understandable” Greta nodded.

“Vlad isn't going to like it” Marcus met her stare “Leave Vlad to me” Greta agreed happily but in the pit of her stomach she had a bad feeling. Since Hazel had ‘gone’ Vlad’s temper had been worse, much worse, she dreaded to think what he’d say about this.  “Marcus, could you read her mind?” Marcus was silent for a moment then mumbled “No” Concern was slowly turning to panic “What kind is she, all Vampires can read minds and be read from, why not her?” Marcus shrugged “Maybe it’s because she’s new” he suggested but not believing it himself.

Vlad closed the door and leaning against it gave a soft moan, it was getting harder and harder to feed these days with that damned serial killer on the loose. With Greta keeping an eye on the bar he had nipped out, that was two hours ago. Heading to his room he settled down to wait for sundown.

Vladislav Dragomirov, thirty seven and single. His homeland Russia he had been proud to wear the uniform and fight in the war against Sweden. Seventeen eighty eight, a long time ago now, he had been dead since Seventeen eighty nine, maybe he was still mourning the loss of Hazel or maybe he was just sick with the modern world, either way he was pissed off.

Closing his eyes he let the sleep of death succumb him. His dreams were a mixture of his life back home, of Aglaya and Hazel, he would watch as his wife slept in his arms, so soft, so warm her neat frame curled into his. Hazel the only love since Aglaya, so different so beautiful, her fiery temper matched her passion. Their bodies were entwined in intense passion but the face changed, first Aglaya then Hazel then back to Aglaya. Whoever said Vampires don’t dream was an ass hole....

Twenty four hours later and Maddy was still trying to get her head round her new life state. Vampire, she was a Vampire? She knew about them, their announcement to the world four years ago had freaked most of the ‘normal’ people out but she had never met one, as far as she knew. Now they lived among them but only on close inspection could you tell what they were, their pale skin and piercing eyes the give away“It’s a different life but you’ll get used to it” Leaving to see to something Maddy had mulled over his words.

Marcus unlocked the door and seeing Maddy up entered “How are you feeling?” How was she feeling, well apart from being dead, being a Vampire she felt great “How do you think I feel” she growled. Handing her a large tumbler he urged her to drink. Sniffing the contents she realised it was blood, the idea of drinking such stuff should have made her feel sick but instead she almost downed it in one. “I found your bag; the bathrooms through there” he nodded towards the door “Come down and meet the others” Splashing water on her face she thanked herself for using waterproof make up.

She was half way down stairs when a deep voice yelled “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?” Jumping she lost her footing and fell. Landing in a heap at the bottom she looked at the feet that stood before her afraid to look up. “I asked you a question” Getting off the floor she stared at the man in front of her, he was fucking scary, she tried to answer but her mouth was dry. “Vlad, oh boy…I was hoping to catch you to explain about Madison here but I see you already met” Marcus rambled nerves clearly showing. “Maddy please go into the kitchen there, Greta will keep you company” Doing as she was told she was greeted by a friendly woman who chatted non-stop but Maddy was all too aware of the raised voices coming from the other room.

Finally the two men joined them and Marcus explained as much as he could, about where she was and that she was welcome as long as she needed. Maddy sat quietly and stared at the floor terrified to look up and see the thunderous man watching her. "Just stay out of my way" the man growled as he left.

Back in her room she slid to the floor and howled, if her life was a mess before it was a fucking nightmare now. She could never go home see her mum or dad, like how would you take it if your only child became a dead person walking. School, it was their fault, all of them if they had not played that cruel trick she wouldn’t be here now. 
