Thursday 13 October 2011

10 - Followed Dreams

Coffins skidded across the floor crashing into each other while Maddy stood in the middle of the chaos. “Fucking hell” Marcus exclaimed as his coffin shot past the door and crashed into the wall just missing him. Vlad entered the room “MARCUS, KEEP GRETA OUT” he yelled his voice just heard above the din. “WHAT'S GOING ON” Greta shouted but Vlad shook his head “IT'LL BE ALRIGHT. CLOSE THE DOOR”

“Maddy” Vlad leapt over the caskets and grabbed her.  She looked up him her eyes full of terror.

“It’s ok” wrapping an arm round her waist he pulled her into the corner and held her hoping she was at less risk of being hit, he began stroking her hair his voice soothing “Control Maddy” But she couldn’t control it, her body was charged so much she felt she could blow the world apart. Vlad cradled her and waited for it to pass, shoving any object that got too close.

The others sat downstairs and listened to the noise above, both wanting to see what was going on but neither willing to look.

He felt Maddy relax, her body started to shudder as a huge sob escaped her, the house stopped shaking and the coffins cessed their rampage. “I am a freak” Maddy stammered through her tears. “No, you’re not” But she refused to listen “I did this and the mirror it wasn’t supposed to happen but I couldn’t stop it, I felt, I felt…..” Maddy buried her face on his shoulder. “Maddy look at me” She shook her head. “Look at me” She lifted her head. “This has happened before and I don’t mean the mirror” She nodded weakly. “Tell me?” he asked as he wiped the tears from her face.

Her mother’s face came into view …..

Weaving her fingers through his she gripped them tight as she shuddered, remembering the day so clearly…..

Opening the door to her bedroom her mother had been distraught to find her daughter surrounded by flying teddies and toys. Screaming at her she had told Maddy that it was the devils work and that she must never play that game again, she didn’t till……. Louis was a boy at school, at first his teasing was just that but when she didn’t react, didn’t fight it got worse till one day he stood on the jungle gym shouting names at her, he had eaten his lunch there and picking up an apple core had thrown it at her. Something snapped inside her, the jungle gym started to creak then shake, the other kids shouted for him to get off but he had frozen with fear.

“It collapsed kill…..killing, him, the police said it was old and rusty that it was unsafe and should have been torn down years ago……”  Vlad listened as she rambled, recalling the day in her mind, harrowing for anyone but a child! “It wasn’t your fault, like you said it was old……” Maddy turned away her eyes full of pain of fear “I did do it, I wished it would fall…..and it did” Vlad pulled her closer his strong arms wrapped round her “You were ten, a child how could you know what would happen” Maddy closed her eyes and listened to his heart singing “I just wanted to frighten him” She shifted uneasily scared of what she’d see in his eyes - fear, hate... disgust.

Settled in the bedroom while their room was sorted Vlad returned to the others. “What the hell was that?” Marcus exclaimed. Taking a seat Vlad leaned forward and stared at the floor “It seems there is a lot about Madison we don’t know” With a sigh he sat back and explained what she had told him. “The poor kid” Greta wished she could do something. “What can we do?” Vlad wasn’t sure, she was telekinetic had been all her life but shame had her blocking everything that wasn’t the norm. “She must except what she is, learn how to control her Vampire side then we can work on the other stuff”

The phone call over Vlad stood at the bar window and looked out into the night. The air was warm and muggy except he couldn’t feel it, he hadn’t felt heat or cold since his turning, sometimes he missed it, missed the small things of humanity like waking in the morning and rolling onto his side, the tingling feeling you got in your fingers and toes when it was cold. His thoughts drifted to Maddy, her mother. What kind of woman scolded their child for such a gift, ok telekinesis was not something that happened every day but to tell a kid it was the devils work, to make her ashamed of who and what she was. He’d like to wring the woman’s neck.

Madison was bringing things out in him he thought were long dead, compassion, a need to protect, a passion he hadn’t felt since his death…..

He watched the stranger watching him, the man saluted then vanished into the dark. Checking the door he went to the office and stared at the phone, Aarons word rung round his head “This is serious, if they find out, I’m afraid there’s nothing else for it but move, you have to leave Snake canyon and take Maddy with you”   

The next night with Maddy outside Vlad told the others. He wanted to give her the news on his own unsure of what her reaction would be. Marcus and Greta listened as he explained the call he had made, that for Maddy’s safety she had to get out of the state. “So where are we going?” Marcus asked, he had gotten used to the sudden moves over the centuries but he had liked this place. “You’re not” Vlad sighed “You and Greta are to stay here, only Madison and I are to go as yet I don’t know but Aaron wants the two of you to stay here, for now” Greta was gutted, they had been together for so long it was like they were family. Marcus’s eyes burned with rage but he could do nothing, it was not his decision “We knew this could happen” he sighed turning to Greta.

Sitting on the bed Vlad explained as gently as possible about what was to happen. The girl sat motionless and listened. “I’ll be with you” Maddy didn’t respond ‘Still I’m on my way, on and on it goes’ She was leaving, the town she had grown up in and known all her life….. Finally she turned to him “Where?” Vlad shook his head; he wasn’t to know till the last minute. Maddy nodded “When?” He hesitated; wishing he didn’t have to do this “Tomorrow” he mumbled. Things where spiralling so out of control but she no longer cared where she was or who she was, except….. “You won’t leave me?” she implored.

Vlad smiled “Never”

Part 9                                                      Part 11......Soon

Friday 8 July 2011

9 Watch it fall apart

Marcus searched the area but found nothing, whatever or whoever was here had gone, the only thing to tell they had a visitor was a feeling and a faint scent, he inhaled, Vampire but not the one from the bar. Indoors he told Vlad. “Hristos, that’s all we need, how many know of her existence?” Vlad growled “And how?” Marcus shrugged “It was going to be difficult to keep secrets” Vlad nodded “I need to make a call” he muttered as he headed for the office.

Maddy stood under the shower and let the scolding water run down her skin; she didn’t feel it hadn’t felt anything since her turning. In her old life, the mortal world she was a freak and now as a Vampire she was even more so. ‘Chained like a slave’ the songs words pounded over and over in her head, she was a slave, a slave to her new state, her thoughts, her mind was filled with darkness, black thoughts that taunted her wanted her to do things. She thought of the stranger, he wasn’t here to say hello, she couldn’t feel him but knew what he was, a raven… the bringer of death.

Back down stairs she went outside and sat on the ground. A black wolf stepped from the trees, Maddy smiled. It watched her for a moment then crossed the grass and sat beside her, scratching behind its ears she told him of her thoughts. Greta stood at the window and watched, her heart in her throat, this was not happening, could not happen, Vampires and werewolves did not interact but her eyes were telling her different. “What’s wrong?” Vlad appeared at her side. Nodding towards the glass Vlad followed her gaze.

Together they sat and listened, smelt the world around them. Maddy could feel its heart the steady thump thump of an animal in peak condition. The air around them was filled with the smell of sand, cactus and palm trees, the odd rabbit that ran past and of the others inside, the wolfs ears twitched at the slightest sound but made no move to leave instead it sat with her and listened. A howl from the trees had the wolf heading back to its Veil; Maddy went indoors and up stairs.

Checking on her Marcus found her in their room sitting beside one of the coffins “You alright?” Maddy nodded. Kneeling in front of her he reached out and touched her cheek, his body burst into flame. “Don’t” Maddy looked at him with pleading eyes but Marcus wasn’t listening he had to taste her, his lips came down on hers. Maddy shrunk back “NO” Stunned Marcus froze, shit, he had just made a huge mistake “I’m sorry”

Vlad’s eyes followed Marcus as he stormed down the stairs and out into the night, reading the man’s mind he swore as he bolted for the stairs. Maddy looked up as the door opened again and Vlad approached. “Leave me alone” she sighed. “Marcus?” She refused to meet his gaze as she gave a weak nod. Vlad growled but didn’t move. “I’m tired” getting to her feet she climbed into her coffin and closed the lid, Vlad stared at the wood for a second then left.

Downstairs Greta and Vlad relaxed, an old black and white movie flickered on the screen but neither were watching, Vlad remembered when it was made, Clark Gable was the hottest thing since sliced bread at the time and he had gone to the cinema to see it with some girl, after he had gone to her place for a little F and F, 1934 Christ, sometimes he felt old. Marcus returned and joined them; nothing was said over the incident.

Opening her eyes she listened to the teasing in her mind, the calls and shouts that filled her head to the exclusion of all else, she had killed two but the others still lived. ‘Do it, do it’ rang over and over in her ears, “No” Maddy muttered, no more killing, no more pain but the voices ignored her, kept harassing. She felt it rising, a power that surged through her like a NASA shuttle on takeoff. Closing her eyes she tried to fight it.

The energy built, flooded through her body, first her toes then her legs, it crept up her body till it consumed her, her fingers tingled. Climbing out of her coffin she paced the floor “Control, control” she mumbled over and over but the energy continued. Falling to the floor she grabbed her head as her mind pulsed, she rocked back and forth “I can control it, must control it” she cried but still it surged through her, Maddy felt as if she was holding a cable with fifty thousand volts flowing through it,  that if she let go it would shatter the room. 

Unable to keep it locked any longer she released it. The room exploded into life as a wind ripped though it, crackling drowned out her thoughts as it almost bounced around the walls. she concentrated hard, tried to stop it but it was too strong, she gave up and collapsing to her knees again gave it free reign.

Downstairs the others watched the screen all deep in their own thoughts. A sound like a deep rumble shot through the house causing them to leap to their feet. “Maddy” 

Part 8                                                         Part 10

8 Slammed all the locks

Maddy sat in the garden and listened to the night creatures as they moved through the dark. Marcus stood at the window and watched, he didn’t like to take his eyes of her for a second. “Is everything alright?” Greta asked as she entered the room. “Yes, just keeping watch” Greta took his arm “Go, take a break I’ll keep an eye on her” Marcus nodded, as much as he liked bottled blood fresh was way better. “I won’t be long” Greta watched as the child looked up at the sky, following her gaze she smiled as a star shot across the sky.

Watching till it was out of sight or burnt up. Maddy wondered what her parents were doing.

Closing her eyes she concentrated till their faces came into view then their minds. She choked back a sob as she read their sorrow, the heartbreak of her disappearance. She had been put down to another victim of the killer, that they had to face the fact her body may never be found. Trying harder she felt their hearts, the steady thump of their life but inside, mixed with each beat she felt pain. Wiping the tears from her face she stifled another sob. “Madison?” Vlad’s voice came from the dark. Turning away she wiped more tears from her face. “What’s wrong?”  Maddy shook her head. Sitting beside her he pressed “There’s no tears without a reason” he murmured softly. Vlad listened as Maddy in hushed tones told him what she had done “I only wanted to make sure they were ok”

Vlad was disturbed by her revelations but kept it hidden “Sometimes we do things we feel is right” Maddy nodded. Vlad lifted her face and wiped a tear from her cheek “Maybe you shouldn’t do those things without checking with me first” Maddy nodded again then climbed onto his lap. Vlad tensed as her body sunk into his, this was not good but to push her away would make her feel worse. Putting his arms round her he let her rest her head on his shoulder, Maddy closed her eyes and listened, not with her ears but with her heart, she could feel his heart as it pulsated, as before it grew in speed then started to slow down as he fought for control and won.

Vlad’s mind was reeling, how can she read a mind from so far away, and feel their hearts, impossible. Yet she had done it and felt their pain. He thought of all the other things, like her locked mind, her inability to feel pain and it was bloody obvious she couldn’t feel a Vampire if one stood next to her, what the hell was going on?
Greta watched with concern as the two huddled on the seat outside. “I’m losing, aren’t I?” Marcus asked from behind as he too watched the scene before them. Greta said nothing; turning to him she took his hand and held it tight.

“So what do we do, tell her?” Marcus asked. “Not yet” Vlad responded. Greta fiddled with her fingers “You ever heard of a Vampire like this before?” she looked at Vlad, as the oldest he had been round the world and back and had seen many things. He shook his head “Look Maddy won’t read your minds if she doesn’t suspect so act normally and everything will be ok” Greta stood “I better get back before she does wonder what we’re up to” Closing the door behind her she left the men to it. Marcus leaned back on the sofa his legs outstretched while Vlad switched on the computer and did some work.

Maddy stood under the water the words ‘Trapped inside inferno waits’ ran round and round her head. She loved Avenged sevenfold but this song was starting to become her purgatory. Stepping onto the mat she wrapped the towel round herself; she was hungry but tried to ignore it. The hunger had other ideas, it demanded satisfaction now, she could feel the rage inside her building, intensifying till she could no longer contain it.

The mirror cracked, Maddy fangs bared as she let out an almighty howl.

Greta dropped her glass with the sound that exploded round the walls “Lieber Gott” she turned to Vlad and Marcus but they were already halfway up the stairs. Vlad broke through the door to find a young Vampire in full Rage.

Grabbing Maddy roughly he pulled her against him “Control Madison, Control” Marcus looked at her with an open mouth, even though he had had the very same as a youngling he hadn’t been in the position to remember, Maddy looked at him and snarled “Her eyes” Marcus gasped.  Vlad nodded “Go to Greta, I think she was shaken up a bit” Marcus could only nod besides he didn’t really want to stick around just now. Maddy snarled and wailed as the hunger swamped her, Vlad could do nothing but wait till she took that control back, quietly he started to hum, an old Gypsy song that he knew from his homeland. The deep tuneless sound was having an effect; the young Vampire went quiet, as she gained control the real Maddy started to surface.

Finally deciding it was safe Vlad let go and looked at her “How do you feel?” Maddy felt befuddled, hazy but most of all she felt “Hungry” Vlad threw back his head and laughed “Well hurry up and get dressed” Maddy looked down at the towel she was wearing and blushed. Getting to his feet Vlad looked down at her trying not to pay too much attention to her bare flesh “I’ll explain downstairs” On the other side of door Vlad leaned against it and groaned, his concern was Maddy but he could not help his reaction as he held her damp body.

Downstairs Greta handed Maddy a glass which she finished in three swallows then asked for more. Greta went back to the kitchen and returned with another glass, this time Maddy drank it slowly. “What you felt was what we call the Rage, it’s more common within the first few weeks of turning but to happen now has been heard of” Maddy sipped her drink “Will it come back?”  Greta gave a comforting smile “Possibly, it’s our body’s way of saying it’s not getting enough blood…..” Vlad added “You have been drinking barely enough to survive, the body will and can only take so much then self preservation kicks in” thank god she had been here. Maddy shuddered “I didn’t like it” Marcus looked at Vlad then back at her “You remember it?”

“Kinda, it’s not that I remember but felt, it was dark, very dark, all I wanted was to feed, to have blood and it would have killed for it” Vlad understood, he had seen the rage a few times over the years normally in new turnings who hadn’t the sense to listen to their bodies but nobody had ever been able to remember. “Have you had it?” she looked at the three of them, Vlad and Greta shook their heads. “I, err, well…yes” Marcus looked at Vlad sheepishly “Not long after I was turned, I was too sure of my self control” Images of the night he had met Marcus flashed into Vlad’s mind and he laughed “Da, you tried to rip my throat out” Marcus joined in the laughter “And I made a right fuck up of it” Vlad told the story of their meeting.

Vlad had felt the rage and gone to investigate. Finding himself at a frozen lake he spotted Marcus on the other side. “Unfortunately I had to get to him first” Marcus explained that in his haste he had run onto the ice only to lose his footing and go skidding across the ice on his ass. Maddy giggled as the image of Marcus scooting past Vlad came into her mind. Greta having heard the tale before went into the kitchen to wash the glasses. Looking up from the sink she peered into the darkness “There’s somebody outside”

The two men exchanged looks, they too had felt a presence “You stay with Maddy, I’ll take a look” Marcus headed for the door.

Part 7                                                                Part 9

Monday 16 May 2011

7 - Now your knockin'

A week had passed since the incident and nobody could get an answer from Maddy as to why she left her coffin so early. Greta watched the girl as she wandered the house jumping at the slightest noise. She was feeding barely enough to keep herself alive and although never talkative she hardly said a word anymore, maybe she would be better dead. Maddy now sat on the sofa with Marcus next to her, the night of her accident had nearly brought the men to blows but Greta had yelled at them, told the two to stop acting like a couple of kids, that it was neither the time or the place. There had been a grudged truce since. “Come on Maddy, were going to have a girlie night” taking the girls hand she pulled her from the sofa.

Marcus stood but Greta pushed him back down “I said a girl’s night” Marcus glowered but didn’t move. Taking a bottle from the fridge and a couple of glasses she led Maddy to the bathroom. “Ok, where to start, hair first I think” Greta washed Maddy’s hair then applied some dye, guessing the kids natural colour from her roots. “Now while that’s getting to work I’ll show you how to put make up on with no mirror” Maddy sat quietly as Greta chatted about her past. From Meissen, Germany she had been married to a lawyer. Collapsing one afternoon it had been discovered her heart was failing that a birth defect had been growing steadily worse; there was nothing anyone could do.

William was distraught; he refused to believe she was going to die. Somehow he knew about Vampires and had convinced one to turn her. “Is that what you wanted?” Maddy whispered. Greta chuckled “Hell no, I wanted children, to grow old, not to watch William age and die” Maddy searched Greta’s mind, she had been furious, screamed and yelled for days then finally gave in, the look on her husband’s face told her all, he loved her too much to lose her. But she had lost him in an accident three years later, by the time she found out it was too late. After his death she had moved from Germany and hearing her mother had gone to the states she had followed in the hopes of reconciliation, here she had met Vladislav. “Ok let’s look at that hair” Greta chirped.

Greta stepped back and looked at her handy work “Looking good pity we can’t do anything about those tattoo’s why on earth did you get them and so many?” Maddy shrugged “I liked one and I’d had a fight with mum and dad…..” Greta laughed “So it was a get back, well that’s one hell of a way to do it. There’s only one thing that will remove those…amputation” Maddy shot round and stared at her “Wot!” Again Greta laughed “Don’t worry, we don’t need to go that far” Blow drying her hair Greta gave it a restyle just to help throw off any recognition, she pulled a face at the length it had got, it was growing? Pouring a glass of blood she handed one to Maddy who sipped it slowly “Maddy, why did you leave your coffin that night?” Maddy stared at the reflection less mirror and slowly told Greta of her dream.

Marcus and Vlad set up the bar, neither of them spoke, both still angry with the other. Bang on nine Marcus unlocked the door and turned the sign over. Within thirty minutes people started to filter in. Vlad served a lady and chatted politely as she flirted with him, she didn’t care if this hunk was a Vampire. Pouring another drink Vlad heard the door open and close, not unusual in this place but it was the thoughts that got his attention. Looking up he watched the stranger with suspicion. “Marcus can you hear this?” Vlad asked silently. Marcus nodded discreetly and together they watched the man take a seat at the far table. The man was maybe a few inches shorter than Vlad and wiry, he looked as if a single blow would have him out cold but looks were deceiving, he was Vampire.

The man sat quietly and looked round, bit rough but he liked it. He never did like those posh new clubs that advertised their catering for his kind. Feeling eyes on him he turned to see a broad dark haired man watching him. Nodding he waited for Marcus to approach then ordered A negative. Marcus brought the bottle over “Not seen you here before, you passing through?” The stranger nodded “Business, will be here for a few days maybe” Marcus grunted “What kind of business do you do, you look more city to me?” The man gave a smile that didn’t meet his eyes “This and that” was all he said but both Marcus and Vlad could hear his thoughts.

Greta who had been chatting none stop suddenly went quiet. Vlad was warning her to keep Maddy in the house, he would explain later. Noticing the sudden silence Maddy asked “What’s wrong?” Greta shook her head “Nothing, Vlad says we can have the night off, it’s quiet down there” Maddy didn’t believe her and reading her mind got the truth “Who is he, what does he want?” Greta groaned “It’s not polite to jump into people’s heads and I don’t know what the man wants but Vlad and Marcus will deal with him, hey what do you say to a movie and popcorn” Maddy nodded “How do we eat that?” Greta grinned like a Cheshire cat “We pretend”

Vlad kept an eye on the new customer, the man’s head was filled with nothing but Maddy and he knew they could read it. Going to the bar the man beckoned Vlad over “Another” he waved his glass.

“You looking for someone?” Vlad asked casually. “Yeah, I was told a young girl worked here, bit of a punk with pink hair, you heard of her?” Vlad nodded “Why’d you want her?” The man smiled “Heard she was knew to the family, wanted to say welcome” Vlad shrugged “She’s not here, it’s her night off maybe I can pass the message on” Then man stood “In that case I’ll come back when she’s on” Vlad didn’t look round as he replied “Suit yourself” Marcus watched the man leave then went to Vlad “You get anything?” Vlad shook his head “No, I don’t think he knows himself but it’s all important he sees her” Marcus stared at the door “You seen his type before?” Vlad nodded slowly “Unfortunately yes” Marcus pushed for more but Vlad refused, if he knew then so would Greta and then Maddy and the girl had enough to deal with.

With the last of the customers gone the two men locked up and headed back to the house, Marcus stopped Vlad as they reached the gate “Look, I know you feel something for Maddy” he stopped Vlad as he tried to protest. “Hell Vlad you kissed her, look you know how I feel towards her but I think for the moment we should call a truce till we know what’s going on”  Vlad agreed, to be sure he wasn’t sure what he felt for Madison but at the moment he felt he would protect her with all he had. The two men looked at each other in silent understanding; they would lay down their life for her. Hearing laughter the two men headed inside.

They found the two girls on the floor glued to a movie with a bowl of…popcorn! Greta looked at Vlad “Everything all right?” Vlad nodded “What have you two been up too” Turning to Maddy he felt the air being knocked out of him, the pink hair was gone, bright honeyed eyes stared at the TV from a veil of dark hair. Looking at Marcus who was glued to the girls face it was obvious he had felt the same. Maddy watched the telly, unable to sense Marcus’s and Vlad’s presence. Greta looked up at the pair and watched them with trepidation but unspoken words from them both put her worries to rest, for now.  The movie finished and Maddy turned, surprise on her face revealed she hadn’t known they were there.

Part 6 - Evil thoughts can hide                                  Part 8

Thursday 5 May 2011

6 - Evil thoughts can hide

Marcus had been a bear with a sore head since Vlad and Maddy left and with the sound of the car pulling up he leapt from his seat and ran down the path. Giving Maddy a hug tight enough to crush her “So how was your trip?” he asked as he glared at Vlad “It was, err, nice” Something was wrong. Leading her into the house he whispered “What did Vlad do?” Maddy shook her head “Nothing, he did nothing” she insisted as she tried to wipe the feeling of his lips on hers. Marcus gave a low growl but said nothing more, he’d find out from Vlad. That was more difficult than he thought as the minute Vlad walked into the house he left again saying he had paperwork to do.

Vlad was barely in his office when the phone rang. It was official; the boy’s death had the police now hunting two killers one of which was a Vampire. Putting the phone down he slumped into his seat, great fucking great. Things were getting messy and he had made it worse, what the hell had possessed him to kiss her? His heart was still stinging from Hazel’s rejection; he wasn’t ready for another relationship and certainly not with some punk kid.

Phoning up to the house he called Marcus and Greta down to the office. “The killing of the lad was definitely not the serial killer” Greta gasped “Not one of us, but who?” Vlad shook his head “Not who but why?” Marcus and Greta exchanged looks “You know who it is?” Vlad nodded solemnly. “Who?” Greta murmured. “Madison” Marcus jumped from his seat “NO WAY, NO FUCKING WAY” he roared. Vlad waited for him to calm down then continued “I’ve had my suspicions for a while but after the boy’s death I found a bloody knife in the bathroom” Greta tried to keep the tears back “So what do we do, hand her in” Vlad’s “NO” had more vehemence than he planned which made Marcus look at him oddly. “She can’t control what she’s doing, look the kids a mess, she seems to be fighting her Vampire part for some reason”

Greta nodded “I have never met anyone that tries so hard to be ‘normal’ Marcus said nothing, he stared at the wall and tried to blot the conversation from his mind, this wasn’t happening. Vlad’s next words got his attention though. “I think something to do with her fight is because she’s never been normal, not really” Vlad explained about her ability to read minds before her turning, that now she can feel a person’s heart beat and he wasn’t sure it would stop there. “Is that why she’s killing those kids?” Marcus didn’t think so, she seemed to be targeting them for a reason “Maybe it’s the ones that bullied her” Greta nodded and turned to Vlad “So what do we do?” Vlad slowly shook his head “I don’t know”

Maddy was watched from dusk till dawn, unable to move around in the day they knew she would be no trouble then so the three of them slept soundly. Marcus tried to read Vlad’s mind on the trip he had taken with Maddy but it seemed Vlad was trying to hide something which made Marcus even more jealous.

Three nights later Vlad sat working in the office, the bar was quieter than usual but it gave him the chance to catch up on paperwork. The back door opened and looking up Vlad jumped from his seat “Sir, I was not expecting you” Aaron waved for him to sit “I was in the area and thought I’d pop by, how are things?”

Vlad leaned against his desk and looked at Aaron with suspicion, ‘in the area his ass’ but it would be impossible to read the chief’s mind as his age had given him the power and control to block all for centuries. “Fine, I have put the word out so hopefully ….” Aaron put his hand up to stop him “I’m sure you have all well in hand, now I would like to know how Maddy is doing?” Vlad’s blood froze “She’s fine.” Aaron frowned and scanned Vlad’s mind “It seems we have a problem maybe she should come back with me, we have much to teach her and learn from her”

“Plus we can keep an eye on her better, no more wandering off and killing kids…..” Vlad cringed “She seems to be having trouble …..” Aaron dug deeper in Vlad’s mind and chuckled “So it seems, as do you my boy” Vlad looked at him confused “I?” Aaron smiled “I have known you for centuries, a distraction from Hazel perhaps” Vlad turned away “Very well, she stay’s here, leave things to me, I will deal with the ‘accidents’ she has caused” He wondered why. “Simple, she cannot be read from but can read us and can feel things that we cannot, very special” Vlad asked what the humans would do if they found out about their hiding a killer. Aaron laughed “We have been doing as we please since the beginning of time why change now”

Business over, the pair sat and drank while they discussed Vlad’s area and any other problems. Finally with the sun close to rising Aaron said his goodbyes and left telling Vlad to call if he needed help. Vlad locked up and went back to the house, with the others already in their coffins he went in search of Maddy and found her asleep on the bed. A weak ray of sunlight bathed the bed in a soft glow. Maddy lay sound asleep a fine mist could be seen coming from her body. Dashing to the bed Vlad grimaced as his arms made contact with the light, why hadn’t she woken with the pain? Gently he lifted the kid from the bed and dashed through the hall, in the safety of their dark room he placed her in the coffin and closed the lid.

Maddy was having dinner with her parents, the chatter friendly and joking, all was back to the way it was…..except it wasn’t. Clearing the empty plates she saw the reflection of herself in the window, her black eyes and fangs. She growled, softly at first then higher till it came out as a roar, turning towards her parents……

Waking with a start she threw open the lid and leapt from her coffin. The sun was barely set but she didn’t pay any attention just as she didn’t feel the pain inflicted that morning.

Sensing the sun gone Vlad pushed open the lid. Climbing out he almost tripped over Maddy as she cowered at the foot of his coffin “Hristos” he mumbled as he bent down. “What on earth?” Marcus and Greta stepped from their caskets to find Vlad holding a terrified Maddy. “What’s wrong, what you do to her?” Marcus growled in anger. “I found her laying here, god knows for how long” Greta examined the burns “Their not too bad, luckily she wasn’t exposed for too long” Marcus tried to snatch her from Vlad’s hold but the Russian refused to let go. Greta helped Maddy undress and pushed her into the cold shower while Vlad went for some blood. Marcus stood outside the door like a soldier on guard asking every few minutes if she was alright.

Reaching the top of the stairs Vlad went to go into the bathroom but Marcus blocked his way. Vlad’s eyes flashed with anger but Marcus refused to budge. Greta opened the door and took the glass from him “She’ll be fine soon, once she’s had some of this” Nodding Vlad turned and went back downstairs but not before giving Marcus a look that said ‘Don’t mess with me’ Downstairs Greta sat a confused Maddy on the sofa “Did you not feel any pain?” Maddy shook her head “No” Vlad and Greta exchanged looks then Vlad asked “Did you not even feel the warmth of the light” Again Maddy shook her head. “What is it, why can’t she feel pain” Marcus demanded. “Shut up Marcus” Vlad growled. “Shut up, hell will I shut up, why can’t we read her mind and why can’t she feel sunlight, you know don’t you but your keeping it to yourself, you want her for yourself” Vlad turned on Marcus…….

Part 5 - Real as ever                                          7 - Now your knockin'
